Monthly Archives: March 2011

Registration open for Think Galacticon 3! Notable Guests announced!

We now have both of our Notable Guests announced: Adrienne Maree Brown and N(ora). K. Jemisin (who is up for a Nebula for best novel!)! We are very excited to have both our guests and expect it to be an extremely engaging and fun weekend July 8-10 in Chicago!

If you go our webpage you can read more about both of them, register for the con, and suggest programming:

It’s currently $40 for a regular membership and $35 for students until 3/31. The price will go up gradually until it is $55 at the door, so get your tickets now! The earlier you get the tickets the more you help us be able to pay for the upfront costs of running a con. It’s a win-win.

We also have youth memberships (ages 10-17) at a constant $25 and supporting memberships for those who cannot attend for $15. As always, you can donate however much you want to make this con happen.

Parents: We will again be having free childcare for children 9 and under, so please sign up your child(ren) for a free membership as well if you are a parent planning to attend.

Also, it is you who this con is for, so please suggest programming, volunteer, and email us to let us know what you want to see at Think Galacticon 3!